Here you will find a list of commands you can use a supporter of Macc Aviation. Type in these commands into the chat to get our trusty MaccBot to reply to you.
As time goes on we will be trying to improve the functionality and feed back is welcome

Public Commands

Anybody in chat can use these commands within 1 minute

  • !cmd – posts list of public command you can use
  • !fb – message with a link to the public MaccAviation Facebook page 
  • !x – A link to our 𝕏 feed (Twitter)
  • !website – message with a link to this website
  • !email – a message with our channel email address
  • !gfm – GoFundMe page details and link

Moderator Only Commands

All public commands without time limit and …
  • !like – Posts a random LIKE message
  • !ma – Posts a random promotional message
  • !friends – Link to MaccFriends Facebook community 
  • !coffee – A single message about support using the buy me a coffee platform
  • !merch – A link to our shop on this website
  • !times – message with current times displayed for LAX,JFK,BSB,LHR,DEL,HND,SYD time zones.

Super Commands

  • !goal <target> –  This is for Barbara P Sterling will set a target and display an Eagle



Events that will show up on the ding dong on screen display include. SuperChat with message, SuperSticker, Gifted Memberships, anniversary membership renewal.

New members via gifted membership / purchase as well as new subscribers are not show. 


Any purchase from BuyMeCoffee platform during a stream will display an onscreen notification with a message


No live stream notification.


Data Privacy

We do not store any email addresses or names on any servers. All data sent and or processes is transient – Which means it only exists for the time required to act upon which after gets discarded from memory. Any other data like shop purchases are handled and protected by 3rd party vendors. We like cookies but we don’t use them here either.