At Macc Aviation LIVE we have published this Public Code Of Conduct so that all our viewers, supporters, moderators and hosts can enjoy Aviation as one strong community. 

General Conduct

  • Be polite and respectful to other people
  • Keep it clean. No profanity, obscenity, insulting or bigoted comments please
  • DO NOT
    • threaten,
    • stalk,
    • insult,
    • victimize or intimidate anyone (or group of people) for any reason;
    • including on the basis of age, gender, disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation, race or religion.

Consequence of any such action is detailed in our Moderator Conduct. 

Moderator Conduct

Thank You moderators of MaccAviation LIVE for your time.

As you know we are a very relaxed bunch of people and in the interest of transparency, these are the only few guidelines we have for being a moderator.

  • Moderators should join our WhatsApp group so we can all stay in touch.
  • Please stay active in YouTube chat and engage with users using @ directly. 
  • Spamming users should be
    • Issued a first warning
    • if not cooperating put into time out up to 3 times
    • then a ban is justified
  • Spam bots, hate speech, and racism should constitute an immediate ban.
  • We don’t expect moderators to reschedule their private lives. Please collaborate in WhatsApp chat so we can all enjoy the streams and our private lives.
  • In rare circumstances – if you moderate on other streams and have a stream clash please let us know on WhatsApp
  • It’s okay to disagree with another opinion, but don’t take the chat off track to do so. 


We integrate into various systems used for donations and as appreciation we will display some information on LIVE streams from these sources.

We strive to keep all our guests details private. We do not store guest details on any of our servers and any information passed to us is anonymised and only used for the short lived purpose of sending chat messages or on screen display.

Your username is considered implicitly public domain – and as such we see this is fine to use on live streams.

If you have any concerns about your privacy please reach out to us to discuss.