Tuesday 20/06/2023 did not start off like an ordinary Tuesday at Manchester Airport.

Early in the morning we had heard of an emergency landing due to cabin pressure, then only a few hours later another incident.

Trouble always comes in threes and during our live show today we captured a very unique squawk. EasyJet flight EZY73GN had run into some trouble after take off and caused over 10 other flights to circle in a holding pattern over Buxton and Knowsley!

It was noted that the landing gear bay doors did not seem to close and this was apparent during landing.

“Despite all these issues today – flying is still the safest way to travel”, commented Roy J Oerlemans on the chat. 

We recorded the incident at around 1H 32M in the live stream. Here is a link to a clip within the stream… you can carry on watching after it..
